About Us

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South Africa
We are Tilly and Tara-Zee. No, those are not our real names. We love food. We love socialising. We love (really love) wine. And we love each other in that you’re-my-BFF kind of way. Together we eat, socialise and drink wine. We are often joined by Tara-Zee’s hubby, Mr. TZ, and various other friends. We share everything: starters, mains, desserts, bottles of wine, too much info. The only thing we don’t share is Mr. TZ. He’s Tara-Zee’s.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Arts on Main and The Attic

by Tara-Zee

So, this one time, my Sunday morning started with a 10 km race (remember, Tilly and I are still training for that little half marathon in April). My running partner for the day (let’s call him Mr Snookychooks) was great – he stuck with me when I was struggling, encouraged me when I managed to breathe instead of wheeze, and didn’t even mock my playlist, well not too much. And he was happy to share some yoghurt, muesli and mango juice with me and Mr T-Z after the race. (Unfortunately there was no coffee or greasy fry-up, as our electricity was down.)

Then Mr T-Z and I decided to head out and the day turned into a perfect date. We started at the Market on Main at Arts on Main (check it out: http://marketonmain.co.za/). My passion for The Drum Decade was reignited as we looked at old Drum covers; memories of the World Cup came floating back as went through some commemorative posters; and the pottery made me wish I had a bigger home and a bookshelf to fill with beautiful bowls. Aaah – and then the food. Such elegant cupcakes, chocolate brownies made by Miss Poppysocks (you can buy your own mixes to take home and impress your friends with your great baking … or, better yet, give them as presents so your friends can bake for you!), fresh veggies, a variety of cheeses and great breads (including my favourite – the summer rye … samurai). We tasted, took in our surrounds and then popped through to Parkhurst for lunch.

Now, you see, Mr T-Z and I love eating out (obviously). But, one of our resolutions for the year was to eat more home-cooked meals. And our success rate has been really good (and when I say “our”, I mean Mr T-Z’s – he has become a pro at planning and preparing dinner and lunches – but that’s for another story). So it was fun for us to go through to one of our favourite restaurants, The Attic. We were seated at a table out of the way enough to give you some privacy, but also good for people spotting. We shared a bottle of the Kleine Zalze Chenin Blanc (perfect for a sunny summer’s afternoon) and started with the chilli-salt squid and the duck dim sum – yum! Mr T-Z went for the Sunday roast (lamb, crispy potatoes and summer veggies), which was rich and tasty. I went for the mussels, which filled my craving for a taste of the sea. And although I have a weak spot for pudding, I was perfectly full, and we chose instead to do more window shopping.

A lazy afternoon on the couch was followed by a platter of delicious things from the morning’s market and the chance to relive a lovely day in the city. 

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