About Us

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South Africa
We are Tilly and Tara-Zee. No, those are not our real names. We love food. We love socialising. We love (really love) wine. And we love each other in that you’re-my-BFF kind of way. Together we eat, socialise and drink wine. We are often joined by Tara-Zee’s hubby, Mr. TZ, and various other friends. We share everything: starters, mains, desserts, bottles of wine, too much info. The only thing we don’t share is Mr. TZ. He’s Tara-Zee’s.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Eat, drink and be merry, Christmas!

by Tilly

I am currently preparing to leave for a nine-day holiday away from temptation and all of my friends (except one). I am going on a silent retreat. Apart from the calmness and zenness that is to follow, apparently the ovo-lacto vegetarian food is out of this world. But I digress.

What I really wanted to talk about was the Christmas party hosted by our friend Tallulah, to which TZ and I contributed food and alcohol. Good times.

With a work-related lunch under our belts (Tallulah works with us too – it’s dangerous at times), off we went to the shops to stock up on supplies. Tallulah got boerewors for the braai, herbs and other veggies. I got pudding, decorations and cotton wool. TZ got oil from the leftover pasta she was carrying down the front of her dress, and smelled like a Greek restaurant all the way home.

Back at Tallulah and Tiger’s (Tiger is Tallulah’s man), we spent the better part of an hour decorating madly. Metres of tinsel, candles, fake berries wrapped around napkins later we sat down with a glass of Fat Bastard Chard and Christmas carols playing in the background (yes, of course they were TZ’s) to admire our handiwork. And the fun started to roll in.

In attendance were a mish-mash of my, TZ’s and Tallulah’s friends. And what a laugh they all were. Even the buckets of rain pouring down couldn’t put a damper on this crowd!

As for the food: For starters, TZ made a little salmon plate with yummy smoked salmon, topped with asparagus and smooth cottage cheese, topped with lemon rind (you may have seen the tweet – I assure you, it looked better in real life!). For mains, Tiger and Mr TZ (and other assorted boys) braai’d fillet steaks (perfectly I might add) and boerewors, which Tallulah finished off with roasted potatoes and a delish salad. Dessert was my turn to shine with an impromptu chocolate plate: a dollop of chocolate mousse, a chocolate profiterole, a chocolate sweet, chocolate covered pretzels and a party-popper for the festivities. Alas, there are no photos. Only chocolate-y memories!

The night proceeded to get a little rowdy with shots of tequila, and all sorts of other liquers and liquors making the rounds. All in all, it was a very merry Christmas!

PS. Tallulah and Tiger got engaged a couple of days later. How Tiger managed to keep his plans secret with that much tequila in him will forever remain a mystery.
PPS. This is my last post for the year. Happy holidays and a very happy new year! Be good (but not too good).

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